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Cuor di fieno: Vaccine milk, salt, rennet and milk enzymes maturing phase is wrapped in green hay where it is refined to be then sold, it is perfect for tastings, it is exalted with combinations with jams or fruit creams. 1.5 kg, 0700kg


Almond cheese: sheep's milk, salt, rennet, lactic ferments and almonds form this very good semi-seasoned pecorino, delicate for its seasoning, perfect for aperitifs with seasoned salami. 1kg form


Lucifer cheese: cow's milk, sheep's milk, salt, rennet, lactic ferments, sweet chilli, excellent for delicious appetizers, but at the same time it is perfect for making a simple but tasty aperitif. 2kg, 1kg form.


Drunk cheese: sheep's milk, salt, rennet, lactic ferments and marc, fundamental ingredients to create a seasoned cheese with the scent of red wine, perfect for tastings, gourmet appetizers, accompanied with a good fruit jam is appreciated even more. 3kg, 1,5kg, 0,700gr.


First Sicilian pistachio salt: Vaccine milk, salt, rennet, lactic ferments, black olives, excellent fresh cheese that finds a lot of space in Italian kitchens, sublime if heated in a plate or in a pan and then flavored to your liking ... also excellent from combine with appetizers or appetizers. 2kg, 1kg form.


Sicilian First Salt with olives: Vaccine milk, salt, rennet, lactic ferments, black olives, excellent fresh cheese that finds a lot of space in Italian kitchens, sublime if heated in a plate or in a pan and then flavored to your liking ... also excellent from combine with appetizers or appetizers. 2kg, 1kg form.


Smoked provola: Vaccine milk, salt and lactic ferments, immersion smoking ..... this product is ideal for filling sandwiches of all kinds, excellent even if cut often and placed on a non-stick plate or pan. 2kg, 1, kg shape .