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Asparagus cream, Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and appetizers, our creams maintain the natural taste of the products unaltered.

Black Olives Patè, Wild Chicory, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Dried Tomatoes, Chillies

In Paté all the natural taste of quality. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and antipsti in general.

Packaged in jars of 190 gr.


Cream of Broccoletti, Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and appetizers, our creams maintain the natural taste of the products unaltered.

Black Olives Patè, Wild Chicory, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Dried Tomatoes, Chillies

In Paté all the natural taste of quality. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and antipsti in general.

Packaged in jars of 190 gr.


Artichoke cream, excellent for seasoning bruschetta and appetizers, our creams maintain the natural taste of the products unaltered.

Black Olives Patè, Wild Chicory, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Dried Tomatoes, Chillies

In Paté all the natural taste of quality. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and antipsti in general.

Packaged in jars of 190 gr.


Wild chicory cream, excellent for seasoning bruschetta and appetizers, our creams maintain the natural taste of the products.

Black Olives Patè, Wild Chicory, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Dried Tomatoes, Chillies

In Paté all the natural taste of quality. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and antipsti in general.

Packaged in jars of 190 gr.


Cream of Black Olives, Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and appetizers, our creams maintain the natural taste of the products unaltered.

Black Olives Patè, Wild Chicory, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Dried Tomatoes, Chillies

In Paté all the natural taste of quality. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and antipsti in general.

Packaged in jars of 190 gr.


Green Olive Cream, Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and appetizers, our creams maintain the natural taste of the products unaltered.

Black Olives Patè, Wild Chicory, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Dried Tomatoes, Chillies

In Paté all the natural taste of quality. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and antipsti in general.

Packaged in jars of 190 gr.


Peperoncino Cream, Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and appetizers, our creams maintain the natural taste of the products unaltered.

Black Olives Patè, Wild Chicory, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Dried Tomatoes, Chillies

In Paté all the natural taste of quality. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and antipsti in general.

Packaged in jars of 190 gr.


Cream of dried tomatoes, excellent for seasoning bruschetta and appetizers, our creams maintain the natural taste of the products unaltered.

Black Olives Patè, Wild Chicory, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Dried Tomatoes, Chillies

In Paté all the natural taste of quality. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta and antipsti in general.

Packaged in jars of 190 gr.


Seared pumpkin and passed until it becomes a very soft cream. It is an excellent base for endless uses of sweet and savory cuisine: seasoning for first courses and risotto, filling for fresh pasta, filling of white pizzas, cakes and pies. It goes very well with porcini mushrooms and cheese creams. shelf life 12 months  100% ITALIAN PUMPKIN


Savory Topping Creams: the line of topping creams revolutionizes the line in the kitchen, excellent and quick to use, they give that extra gear to create decorations and to finish in an artistic way pizzas, first courses, second courses and even appetizers. available flavors: radicchio, pumpkin, truffle, porcini. 650gr topping



Soft and fluid cream based on artichokes partly ground and partly cut into small pieces, seasoned with oil and aromatic plants. High yield and ready to use, it is excellent for preparing baked pasta and meat-based second courses.

Ideal for stuffing sandwiches and pizzas.

800ml shelf life 180g